Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Alas; a chain of lies!

Wow. Sorry for my last post being, well, one big chain of lies. I broke every single promise I made. That's it; no more promises for me (now where have I heard that before??).

It's tough for me to blog on school breaks. At least in school something remotely notable happens almost every other day. Not so on breaks- the only thing I have to do is post on my blog. About nothing.

My life is so difficult.

Monday, April 13, 2009

From Winter Break to Spring Break...

...without a single post. Sorry about that; and right after I promised to be more consistent. You must be so disappointed; and just so I can make sure you are never disappointed with my blog again, Hear this: I promise from here on, not to make any more promises. Promise.

I think, for now, while I get myself back into "Blog Mode", I will forgo all those blog themes and codes that I became so obsessive about. Substance over style, you know. For the most part. They really gave Blogger quite the overhaul while I was gone- It's so easy to just grab an awesome sidebar gadget from the list. Mmm, Pac-Man...

Anyway I promise (there I go again) to bring you full coverage of tomorrow's youth event- mini-golfing! I love that sport because EVERYBODY rots at it. It's hilarious.

Until then,

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hi all.

Sorry for not making a blog post in over half a year. Really.

With Winter Break looming ahead of me, I have resolved to revive this old blog o' mine.

There is more to come; hang tight until then~


Friday, July 4, 2008

Friday, the Fourth of July

Amidst the chaos and preperation for today's very special event (which I'm sure you are all aware of), I felt it only proper to briefly break this long chain of blogging lethargy of mine and wish everyone a happy Fourth of July!

And may God forever bless America.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday, the Twentieth of June

Today, I feel absolutley great. Simply because I flagged down the Ice Cream Man for the first time in at least three years!

It reminded me of the good ol' days. The days of hanging out playing street wiffleball or having water gun fights with the friendly kids around the block for hours on end back in Sayville, on Division Avenue.

When the ice cream guy game around then, the only sensible thing to get (of course) was the "Double Cherry Pop". That way, you get two popsicle sticks. When you had five popsicle sticks, you get a free popsicle, which was usually a Double Cherry as well :P

So, what are your Greatest, funniest, or worst Ice Cream Truck experiences? What was/is your favorite thing to get? When was the last time you flagged him down?

A Pug Gallery For You

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday, the Fifteenth of June

Have a nice day...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday, the Fourteenth of June

First I'd like to say how great this past week's Revival meeting has been. Bro. Curtman's preaching was excellent and the Lord is really dealing with me on many things.

Secondly, I'd like to announce that my camera has been fixed; Not by professional, or conventional means. I banged it around a few times and it works fine now. That's what I call convenient.

As for today, it was spent hanging with Bro. John at his new apartment, doing some painting. Right now, we've got a real bad thunderstorm that is really freaking out my dogs. They are such sissies (please don't tell them I said that, lest Tank beat me up).

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Senior Trip '08: Day IV

Yes! I finished Chronicling the Senior Trip before anyone else (well, in blog form, anyway) We have finally come to the fourth and final chapter:

Senior Trip Day IV:
The Final Excursions

Our first interesting encounter was an abnormally large door. Pictures do no justice to it's immensity.

After we finished gawking at that door, we ventured inside house with interesting historical stuff in it. Like this diorama.

Either Mark is about to put his arm around this fellow or punch him in the arm. Pity the poor wooden fellow should the latter occur.

Shots taken from the actual bridge where "The shot heard 'round the world" took place!

Thomas is just causing trouble again.

We warned them. Oh, we warned them. But they bought the Red Bull anyway.

They warned me. Oh, they warned me. But I didn't buy the Red Bull anyway.

This reminds me; I should get around to posting our Chinese rendition of "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" one of these days.

Josh is having fun. I think.
And now we are on the Ferry, headed home.

That guy looks like a security guard. Something must have been suspicious about Russell (he's behind the binoculars), or my excessive picture taking.

Luke and his best friend, affectionately known as "The Burger Vent": So called because it constantly blew out hot air... hot air that smelled like burgers. It was gross.

But he stayed there. For the entire trip home. He did not move. Not once.

Wouldn't you find it a bit unnerving if the lifeboats were patched up with duct tape?

After a fiasco involving rebecca and a nasty fall, the captain was paranoid of getting sued kind enough to give us a free ferry ride! How nice!

And with that, the senior trip was essentially concluded. It was, truly, one of the best weeks of my life. I hope you enjoyed my series.

Until next year's Senior Trip~

Congrats! You've scrolled down to the end of my blog!!